Cancellations Policy
When renting out through Fat Llama, owners can choose from three cancellation policies. Opting for the most flexible policy will make listings more attractive to potential borrowers. OWNERS: Please note that if you, as the owner, cancel the booking, the renter will receive a full refund. RENTERS: Please note, that if you cancel the booking these cancellation terms apply - this will only be valid BEFORE the rental start date Owners can also refund partially anytime before the the orPopularCan I cancel my booking?
For Renters You can always cancel a request before it is paid. An order is created only after payment, at which point the cancellation policy takes effect. We recommend familiarising yourself with the cancellation policy that applies to the item you wish to rent before you pay. You can find this information in the ad. Ads may have one of three different types of cancellation policies: flexible, medium, and strict. Descriptions and more information about these policies can be found here: CaFew readersCancelling a rental & refunding a customer
You, as an owner, now have the power to cancel your own rentals! If you want to fully refund a renter (all fees included) which also refunds your earnings, you can do so with the instructions below: If the renter wants to cancel, the cancellation policy will apply, and the customer may nFew readers