Can I cancel my booking?
For Renters
You can always cancel a request before it is paid. An order is created only after payment, at which point the cancellation policy takes effect. We recommend familiarising yourself with the cancellation policy that applies to the item you wish to rent before you pay. You can find this information in the ad.
Ads may have one of three different types of cancellation policies: flexible, medium, and strict. Descriptions and more information about these policies can be found here: Cancellations Policy.
How do I cancel an order?
To cancel an order, navigate to the order page where you will find a cancel button.
When an order is canceled, a refund request is sent to our payment provider, Stripe. Please note that while the refund is processed immediately on our end, it may take some time for the funds to reappear in your bank account.
Refund after a rental period has begun
If an issue arises during the rental period and you and the owner agree on a full refund, do not cancel the order yourself. Since the rental period has already started, canceling it yourself would mean no refund is issued. Instead, the owner must cancel the order for you to receive a full refund.
The owner cancels your rental
If an owner cancels a rental, you will be notified and fully reimbursed. If the cancellation was unexpected, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will do our best to help you find an alternative item.
If the owner does not show up to hand over the item
Do not cancel the rental yourself, as the cancellation policy will apply. Instead, reach out to Fat Llama's customer support team at for assistance.
For Owners
If the renter cancels, the cancellation policy applies. However, if the owner cancels, the entire rental amount, including our booking fee, will be refunded to the customer.
As an owner, if you need to cancel a rental for any reason, it is crucial that you initiate the cancellation to ensure the customer receives a full refund. If the customer cancels, the cancellation policy will apply, and they may not receive a full refund.
To cancel a booking locate the specific booking in your list of upcoming or ongoing rentals. (Please note that completed bookings cannot be refunded by the owner. If a booking has been completed and a refund needs to be issued, contact Fat Llama customer support as soon as possible.)
Within the booking details, you will see a button labeled "Refund the rental" towards the bottom of the page. Click this button, and a confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you are sure you want to cancel. This prompt will also inform you that the full amount will be refunded to the customer.
You won’t be charged for cancelling a rental.
Updated on: 04/07/2024
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