Articles on: Account

What is favorites, and how do I use it?

Your favorites list helps you keep track of specific owners and items, making it quicker and easier to book rentals.

Favoriting Items

While browsing or searching for items, you'll see a bookmark symbol at the top right corner of each ad in the list view. Clicking on this symbol will add the item to your favorites list. To access your favorites, go to your profile and select "My favorites" from the menu.

Favoriting Owners

You can also mark owners as favorites. If you've had great experiences renting from certain owners and want easy access for future rentals, you can add them to your list. On the owner's public profile, you'll see the same bookmark symbol at the top right of the banner image.

How do I access an owner's public profile?

Through Listings:

When you are viewing a listing, you can access the owner's public profile by clicking on the owner's name.

Through Bookings:

In a booking, click next to the owner's name to go to the public profile.

Updated on: 20/06/2024

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