Jen Rents Out Stuff That Is Only Used Periodically

What stuff do you rent out through Fat Llama?
"I rent out a variety of items mainly around events on Fat Llama, including folded tables, seating, gazebo, and mobile cooking hob. I’ve also listed a carpet cleaner and display signage. It's a diverse mix, mainly because these are things that people often need for short periods and may not want to purchase outright."

Why do you rent your items out?
"I started renting out my items and things that I use periodically. It’s also a way to maximize the value of my investments in equipment. Instead of letting them collect dust, I’m able to help others who need them temporarily, which is quite satisfying. Additionally, it’s a form of sustainable consumption, reducing the need for everyone to buy new items when they can rent what they need."

What's great about renting out?
"Renting out through Fat Llama is great because it offers visibility without a lot of extra work on my part. I love the flexibility it provides – I can choose when my items are available for rent, and I’m in control of who rents them. The insurance and guarantees Fat Llama provides also give me peace of mind, knowing that my items are protected. Plus, I’ve met some interesting people."

How's your experience been with Fat Llama?
My experience with Fat Llama has been positive. The platform is user-friendly, and they’ve done a good job of making the rental process straightforward. On the whole, the community seems to respect the items they rent, and I’ve had very few problems with late returns or damages. Overall, it's been a great way to make use of my gear while helping others.

What tips or advice would you give to someone considering listing their items for rent?
"If you’re thinking about renting out your items, here are a few tips:
Take good photos and write clear descriptions – This will attract renters and reduce the number of questions you get.
Set fair prices – Check what others are charging for similar items to make sure your prices are competitive but also worth your time.
Communicate promptly – Good communication builds trust and leads to better experiences for both you and the renter.
Maintain your items – Make sure everything is in good working order to avoid issues during rentals.
Understand the insurance terms – Know what’s covered in case of damage or loss so you can rent confidently."

Click here to go to Jen's profile.

If you want to start renting out yourself, you can do it right here.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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